Friday, October 24, 2008

killing spree...

i'm up late doing great...
probably going to be late for tomorrow's work...
or my mom would force wake me...
so i wont be late...
but i'll definitely look half dead...
but lets finish what i started...
well the pick of the week...goes to...
Tropic Thunder...
should go for it...but don't expect too much...
don't get me wrong, it's funny...full of high profile actors...
but the best it can go is worth the bucks u paid for...
shallow storyline...light comedy...funny lines...good actors...
but sadly...bad idiotic censorship board cutting every single funny but to "them"(i mean the censors) bad lines...screw them...they're being paid to ruin every good movie...sometimes being over conservative stops development...well we're here where we are decades ago...
anyway...lets not let them spoil our day(thats their objectives, by the way)...
so lets get through with it n go for something happier...
well, i had steambout with a few of my friend...using the left over food from our last bbq party...n the good news is, it's still edible n i'm ok...n we had fun i guess...
n this sunday i'm going for a paintball game...
isn't it great?...yea...!!!i know...
but expensive...but it's fun n it worth the pain...
pray that i can have some killing spree...
n that they can survive...
let the killing begins...

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